Thursday, August 4, 2011

81 days in JAPAN

After 9 years..i never expect to comeback here in the "Land of the Rising Sun" was an opportunity that should never be missed.Thanks to my Boss and to our President who decided for it...

Before the plan,it was indeed a turmoil.I almost end up losing a bessy boss due to my hard-headed skull and tackless was really a mistake to answer back on him was been repented and forgiven..:)Peace!!!

First night in Japan is somewhat cold..i mean..very cold..i thought it was  winter time just like i've experience few years back...but it was summer now...and i almost bring all my shorts and  never brought any pajamas then there is a good samaritan who gave her pair of cool and kind-hearted..Resie my bessy sis too...

During the first few weeks of training,it was kinda difficult due to cold weather...but we have adjusted quickly.We also felt homesickness for a quite while but it was pleasure to be invited to some dinners,movie marathon,nature trekking and shopping of course,with our Japanese mentors and friends...

We love to eat tuyo and daing (friedfish) during morning as if were still eating in our own house and brought more noodles,cornbeef and sardines to remind our dishes but the real truth is to save...hahhahaa...

Japan cost of living is very expensive if you only converted most of the expenses from YEN to PESOS. From food,clothing,shoes,appliances and other stuff...that's why,we shop til we drop at 100 yen DAISO things and very affordable...

Of course,there is no Jollibee here so we end up to McDonalds or KFC?...whew..takai ne...hahahhaah!

We been to different places,shrines,lakes,parks,biking,walking (with the passport ID always...)...most of all to DISNEYLAND!~!!!I never forget this kind of experience..meeting cinderella,pooh,goofy,the avatars..of course..MICKEY!!!!Thank you for having funniest and cutest companions in disney..KENJI and SHIMS...YOSHI,SAKAMOTS and TOKITS

Also in this moment ,I meet my long lost Aunt after 25 years?...Tita Yvette...still sexy and lovely as ever...thanks for the chocolates(I end up having a toothache) and for the bags and stuffs....and to Tita Mae for the yens...:)

Soooooo....time is so fast...few days from now,we will go back to our homeland...although,we were excited to go home... we also miss the people behind this special moments and the 81 days of being with them...

But one thing for sure that i will be missing is the kindness,discipline, respectfullness and the wide smile of the japonnga's here...which made me think that they are one of the coolest person here in earth...hahahaha...

  Of course,we will be missing our "Father" here..the funniest of them all...Mr. Red Face... and our Japanese sister here...Fumiko!!! 

This stay is one of the best things that happen in my life...

and for future plans?probably studying nihonggo or piano..hhahahaa...because it reminds me of a special someone ...of course,not a prospect companion in life but a the "BIG MAN" behind this project....i want to express my thankfulness through songs...oooh..kinda muzukashi but interesting..:)sayonara!!!

--till then--

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